Our milk comes from Jerseys, the little brown cows that produce A2 milk. And because we bottle it right on the farm, it's the freshest you can get.

Reassurance of knowing exactly where your food comes from is something that we want for our families. That’s why we take pride when you choose Mapleline milk for yours.

We take this responsibility seriously, and it goes beyond putting quality milk in a bottle. It’s ensuring that we are practicing the most environmentally friendly practices to safeguard our natural resources for the benefit and enjoyment of our future generations and yours.

We do not use any synthetic growth hormones (commonly known as rBST) and our Jerseys have a diet that is home-grown in the pastures surrounding the farm.

Our Jersey's milk is bottled right on the farm's premises; a freshness you can taste!

What's A2 Milk?

You may be hearing that A2 milk is “better for you.” If you struggle with digesting dairy, then A2 may be a good option. Even if you’ve been known to “chug milk” with the ease of a child, A2 milk has great health benefits that do, in fact, make it superior!

  • Milk is made up of 2 proteins known as beta-caseins. Most cows’ milk on the market today is A1 beta casein, meaning it comes predominantly from cows making “A1/A1” or “A1/A2” milk. When a cow’s milk is “A2/A2”, she is producing a milk that has been proven to be easier digestible by humans and the most comparable milk to human breast milk. A2 milk also has significant amounts of omega-3 fatty acids, which are a natural energy source found in foods we eat that are especially beneficial to your heart, lungs and immune system.

  • Mapleline’s Jerseys produce A2 milk!!! How do we know? The breed of Jersey cows are special in that they predominantly produce A2 milk. To further assure Mapleline’s milk is A2, we genetically test our herd to make sure they are an A2/A2 producing cow. We also selectively breed our cows to bulls who are also genetically verified to carry the gene to produce A2/A2 milk.

Mapleline Farm milk is also certified "Queen of Quality" a recognition by National All-Jersey, Inc. to be 100% pure Jersey milk.


Jersey milk is widely sought after for the many health benefits it has to offer, but its rich and creamy flavor is desired by gourmet chefs and bakers alike.

Wholesale deliveries are made Monday through Friday throughout Western Mass.

Please call us at 413.549.6486 or email us to find out more.


Shirazi Distribution, 617.427.0092

We’re celebrating our 120th Anniversary in 2024!